Parent Coaching
Our children’s behaviour is a reflection of their needs being met or unmet, as well as our own triggers that we may express consciously or unconsciously. By changing ourselves as parents, we can positively impact our children’s behaviour. Therefore, we prioritise providing a deep transformational experience for parents first. This involves releasing residual feelings and unconscious belief patterns from their own childhood and parenting experiences, and replacing them with empowering beliefs that support effective parenting. As the unconscious mind plays a significant role in our behaviour, parents often see positive changes even before receiving specific parenting tools.

You should sign up for the program if here's what you desire:
- Release Power Struggles: Say goodbye to power struggles and instead learn how to connect with and understand your child’s needs.
- Quality Time: Shift your focus from dwelling on past issues to spending meaningful, quality time with your child.
- Revolutionary Parenting Approach: Discover a revolutionary way of parenting that breaks free from ineffective patterns and brings about the desired outcomes you seek.
- Personal Responsibility: Take ownership and responsibility for your life. Realize that no one else can save or change it for you.
- Authentic Relationship: Foster a genuine and authentic relationship with your children, creating a bond that makes them want to spend time with you and remain close in the future.
By releasing unsupportive belief patterns from your upbringing that are stored in your subconscious mind, you can let go of negative responses and self-talk related to your child’s behaviour. This healing process empowers you to parent with integrity and authenticity. The course teaches tools and strategies based on Nonviolent Communication, Neuroplasticity, and Emotional Intelligence to shift away from a dominant parenting style that creates disconnection and rebellion, and towards a style based on trust, relationship, and authenticity, which restores connection, trust, and respect.
Thank you wouldn’t do justice to my gratitude that I have for you for introducing and teaching me the aspects of Gentle Parenting through your coaching. Your 12 week Peaceful Parenting course not only helped me understand my toddler son but also provided me insight about myself too .
I feel more confident and self aware now . The best part about this journey was how non judgmental you were in the entire process and valued every emotion.
– Pallavi