Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Having experienced the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with not having all the answers, I can empathise with your situation. However, through the transformative power of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), I was able to overcome my own struggles and find a new sense of peace and clarity. Now, I am eager to share this life-changing experience with you and help you find the answers and relief you seek.
Anxiety is a common emotion characterised by feelings of uneasiness, worry, or nervousness in response to uncertain outcomes. Although it is a typical response to stress, excessive anxiety can negatively affect daily routines and relationships. It can cause physical symptoms such as a fast heart rate, sweating, shaking hands, and a strong urge to either run away, fight, or shut down.
“It’s not the event that makes you anxious, it’s how you interpret the event.” “The law of control begins and ends with your thoughts. When you take control of your thoughts, you stop being anxious. And when you make your thinking amazing, it really does change your entire life.”
Instead of focusing on changing the symptoms of anxiety, which is a common mistake, it’s important to address the underlying belief system that causes it. RTT® therapy is designed to do just that, by identifying and resolving the root cause of the anxiety. Typically, anxiety is triggered by a specific thought, circumstance, or unresolved trauma that activates the fight/flight response, which is our body’s natural safety mechanism. To overcome anxiety, the client should activate their parasympathetic nervous system through deep breathing, and then observe their current circumstances to reassure their mind that they are safe. Anxiety is often linked to a fear of losing control.
If a client struggles with the fear of losing control, I often remind them that nobody truly has control over everything. The only thing that one can control is their own thoughts. Our thoughts dictate our emotions, actions, and ultimately, the outcomes we experience. Therefore, the power of control lies within our own minds. By taking control of our thoughts, we can overcome anxiety. The fear of losing control can manifest in various ways, such as fear of flying or fear of driving on fast roads.

Anxiety and panic attacks may have various triggers, such as a traumatic event, specific situations, or sensory stimuli. The main difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack is the intensity of the symptoms. If anxiety attacks are left unaddressed, they may escalate into a full-blown panic attack. Panic attacks tend to be sudden and unexpected, often triggered by subconscious stimuli. In contrast, with anxiety attacks, individuals usually recognize that they are experiencing chronic stress, feeling overwhelmed, or fatigued.
“You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.”
“Worrying about things in the future doesn’t stop them from happening. It just takes away from your happiness today.
Repetitive or looping thoughts can be a significant cause of anxiety and panic attacks. Our thoughts have a powerful influence on our emotions, which ultimately shape our behaviour and actions. Negative thoughts can lead to negative feelings, which can result in negative behaviours that further reinforce those negative thoughts. On the other hand, positive thoughts can lead to positive feelings and behaviours that strengthen positive thoughts. Therefore, it is crucial to identify and address negative looping thoughts to break the cycle of anxiety and panic. Here’s an example: